Learn some tips that can help you become smarter about buying or selling jewelry. You can figure out everything you need to not fall for scamming “jewelers” and how to not lose money when trying to price and sell your jewelry pieces. It’s not so scary once you know the basics.
Use a gentle dish soap to clean your jewelry. The soap you buy for your kitchen can be great for jewelry too. Just make sure you buy a gentle dish soap. Look for one that is suitable for use on your hands. That way, you can be sure it won’t damage the jewelry.
Discover whether they wear studs, hoop earrings, or some other type of jewelry. Doing so can help to find the most special piece for the recipient.
If you would like to buy a pair of earrings for a loved one, make sure they have pierced ears first! It is a major faux pas to pick up a pair of gorgeous baubles only to find out they’re unwearable. If you can, check her jewelry box, or ask someone close to her who might know like her Mother.
To keep your jewelry looking its best, make sure to remove it when handling harsh chemicals, such as when you clean your house, or when using beauty products. The chemicals in household cleaners and beauty products can be very hard on your jewelry, stripping them of their luster and leaving them dull and lifeless.
If you’re making your own earrings, go to a welding supply store to purchase aluminum wire. You can purchase the wire there in a spool, which is far less expensive than buying it in smaller quantities. Some aluminum wire is also hypoallergenic, making it the perfect choice for individuals with sensitive ears.
As you can see, buying or selling jewelry isn’t nearly as difficult as it may appear. It just requires doing research, some legwork, asking questions, getting certificates and other related jewelry material. The work will pay off once you see how it can help you with your jewelry buying and selling goals.
Let Us Help You Avoid The Jewelry Hurdles Your Peers Stumble Over