Knowing about types of jewelry is essential for making good purchases. You could waste money if you make a poor purchasing decision. This article provides several practical tips about jewelry. You will be able to more easily pick out and keep jewelery pieces looking great if you follow these tips.
Some precious metals and gems need to be kept away from moisture and humidity. To keep your jewelry properly protected, store it in a drawstring bag or jewelry box. Precious, as well as non-precious metals, will tarnish if they are exposed to humidity and air over time. Precious metals, through some work and polish, can be restored to their original condition. Non-precious metals are coated, which means that polishing will allow copper metal to come through.
When shopping for sterling silver jewelry, it is a good idea to bring a small magnet along with you. As a precious metal, silver should never be attracted to a magnet. There should be a stamp hallmarked that says something like .925 sterling or ster, on sterling silver If you don’t see such a mark, you might want to reconsider the purchase. This is usually an indication that the piece is fake.
Quality jewelry should stay beautiful forever. When purchasing your next jewelry item, focus on buying a quality, well-made piece. You should be able to notice a quality piece by its craftsmanship. Make sure the jeweler is able to tell you the history of the piece, including who created it and where any stones come from. When you chose a high-quality piece, you know your jewelry will last forever.
Well, it’s easy when you know how. This article has just touched on a few of things that you should know about this very rewarding hobby. There is much to learn, but at least you’ve now got a few good ideas to put to work.
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